Mission Statement

In March 1993 four families decided to come together each Sunday in Tea Gardens Primary School Hall. We were received into full membership of the Baptist Union in 1996 with twelve foundational members, and a congregation of around twenty.

The Lord enabled us to purchase three blocks of land at Myall Quays in late 1999 and we prepared to build but God had even bigger plans for us. In the meantime our meeting place changed to the “Old Bowling Club”. In 2002, the owners offered us the whole property. After much discussion and prayer, God led us to purchase the property. The old Bowling Club building was dedicated in December 2002.

After committing to the purchase we had an offer to buy half the land for the price of the whole and sold our other blocks of land to have the finance to build.

On Christmas Day 2005 we gathered for our first service in the new building hall, rejoicing at what God had done. On 29th April, 2006 the building was officially opened and dedicated to the work of the Lord.

We pray that we may be the light of Christ in the Myall Coast area where many people can find peace with God and purpose in life.